A difficult crisis for affected people and their families anywhere in the world can become an almost insurmountable obstacle in South Africa.

That's because the country's safety net can't catch everyone in need. Känguru Institute for the Disabled wants to help! With us, children with disabilities and life-shortening illnesses find a loving home. We create possibilities through specific support and extensive pedagogical care and also provide qualified jobs for the local people. Our children and we are full of optimism. Full of hope. Day after day. We laugh together - playing, painting, dancing and singing. With love and care we create a unique place full of joy and security. And with their life-affirming nature, the children put a smile on our faces every day.

Känguru News

The energy providers in South Africa are unable to guarantee a constant electricity service. The result is that the electricity often fails for hours at a time. Especially with the disabled and badly ill children, it is a critical and unsustainable situation. Some of the children need medical equipment or they must keep warm in the often very cold winter months. We need to become independent of public electricity.

The solution: A solar plant! This should not only produce electricity for current use, it should also store solar energy. In addition, the installation must be sufficiently large and, above all, sustainable. The installation is urgently needed, but we cannot finance it from our own resources. In order to get a little closer to our goal of the solar system, we are applying for financial support from various institutions, but even that is not enough.

Help and donate to finance the solar system, to secure the electricity permanently and to ensure the supply of the children!

More information here: Solar can save lives.

Recently, a large container with donations in kind arrived at the Känguru children's hospice! At first there was great joy, because we are all more than grateful for the new furniture and equipment. We are especially happy about an electric scooter, which will make the transport of our children much easier from now on. Currently, the last ray of our sun is being built. To make our children feel at home we need a lot of furniture and equipment. Donations in kind, are very helpful, but the costs for the transport to South Africa are very high! If you have a donation in kind, just contact us by mail.

SHOUT OUT! A vision becomes reality! Today we would like to say a huge thank you to Yalwa. Because of their kind generosity and a donation of 100.000 €,- our children's hospice Känguru in South Africa will soon be able to complete an important new building. Our Känguru children's hospice is a unique place full of confidence and hope. Meanwhile, the Känguru facility consists of a children's hospice, an inclusive kindergarten, an animal farm and a garden with vegetable cultivation. Our latest project is a new building whose architecture resembles a sun. And which symbolizes life. And it is called ... "sun", of course. In the center is the round main building, which connects all the "rays". With the help of donations, three sun rays have already been completed. Each ray has capacity for 14 children. With Yalwa's donation we are now able to realize the last ray as well. Thank you very much!


Donate & Help


With your donation you help children with severe disabilities to live a dignified life in South Africa. Just 5 euros will help ensure that our children receive comprehensive care. And with every donation, together we come closer to our goal of welcoming even more children.


Become a godparent and rewrite the life story of a child. Through your regular donation as a godparent you help to improve the situation of our children in a sustainable way.


Sometimes time is worth more than money. Our volunteer Phillipp, who gave us two months of his time, knows this too. With his commitment, he gave the children in our home a wonderful time and left a lasting impression. Of his time at Känguru, he says, "I'm never bored and the time flies by." Share your zest for life with us too and become a part of our Känguru family.

Our barrier free vegetable garden in raised beds

Wheelchair accessible swings

The best possible care

How we help our children and their families

1,000 COVID
rapid tests

The sun will soon shine five-rayed!


Lionhearted from
Germany to South Africa

Our employees in Germany and South Africa work closely and intensively together. Under the motto "Passing on instead of just giving" we act in partnership and at eye level with each other. From Germany we transfer 60 years of experience in working with and for people with disabilities and combine it with the know-how, the cordiality and the culture on site. Because we all agree on one goal: We help and support children with disabilities and serious illnesses. Beyond the Känguru Children's Home, we want to be a role model in South Africa in dealing with people with disabilities. With our work and our constant exchange, we are creating an increasingly close-meshed network and securing the future of the children.

Quick FAQ

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our Känguru children's home.

How can I support Känguru?

You can support us in many different ways. Donations are essential for us, as the South African government only pays a portion of the necessary costs for the operation of the home. We are always very happy to receive donations in the form of money, as we can then use it where it is needed most urgently. Occasionally, we are also on the lookout for specific material items that are needed at the home right now. Follow us on our Instagram and Facebook channels to see what in-kind donations are needed right now and if you can contribute. As a Känguru volunteer, you'll be giving your life to our children and contributing to a better quality of life for them.

How do donations in kind work?

You would like to help Känguru with a donation in kind? We are glad that you think of us. But currently the freight costs are higher than the things we buy directly on site. It's best if you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, because we always post info there when donations in kind are needed. If you donate money, you are also welcome to specify what exactly the donation money should be used for, but with free donations we can decide better and on a daily basis where the need is greatest.

Why are permanent donations so helpful?

We are very happy about your permanent donation, because this means planning security for us. Donations without earmarking are extremely important for our work, because we can use these funds flexibly where they are most urgently needed. You decide whether you want to donate annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly. With your permanent donation, you provide particularly valuable support and enable safe and reliable care and assistance. Set up a standing order at your bank for a permanent donation or use our donation form. Or take over a sponsorship for a child or the children's home in general, this also helps the children a lot.


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