People & Stories

Our children

Get to know our Känguru family:

Sinenhlanhla was brought to us at the Känguru children's hospice when she was five years old. The girl had previously lived with her grandfather after her parents had abandoned her there. For her, it was a very traumatic time that has left scars to this day: "I was always very hungry and afraid." Underfed, neglected and barely able to express herself, she blossomed visibly in the care of Känguru. It quickly became clear that the girl, who lives with the congenital joint stiffness "arthrogryposis multiplex," has excellent cognitive abilities. Sinenhlanhla is hungry for knowledge and speaks fluent Zulu and English. She is a very smart and bright girl. Since she can barely move her arms and legs, she has developed amazing skills: Using her mouth to write, draw and move objects. Music is her great passion and confidently she says, "I'm not like other kids, but I'm the best singer and dancer!" At Känguru, we support her in achieving her dreams for a happy future.

Bogani is a handsome young man who is always smiling and verbalizing his needs. He was born with hydrocephalus, a pathological enlargement of the fluid spaces of the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid. During his life, he lost his sight completely. He cannot walk and is therefore in a wheelchair. After his mother died, his bond with his father became all the stronger. He calls him "The Great." However, his father works very far away from the children's hospice and therefore can only visit him very rarely. In Känguru Bogani has found a second family. We give him the love and attention he needs to live a happy life.

Lucky, a lovely young man. He became an orphan at a very early age. After his parents died, he was left in the care of his two brothers, who were also very young at the time. He suffers from cerebral palsy, a physical impairment, as well as a speech defect. A condition in which he would not have survived in any case without professional help. He came to us at the Känguru children's hospice, where he was given the chance to fully develop his abilities. His brothers visit him regularly and support him on his way.

Atlehang is a 6-year-old child who looks more like an eight-month-old baby. She is always in a good mood and usually falls asleep quickly and peacefully. However, she has cortical blindness and a venticulo-peritoneal shunt. When she came to us at hospice, she was still being fed with a pen tube. She is now able to eat with her mouth. Her daily therapies consist of stretching and massage. To help her gain weight, we help her with a special diet. Atlehang is a lovely girl.

Tshiamo was born on 10th March 2006 with cerebral palsy and a physical disability. She is unable to get around without a wheelchair. She also has a severe mental disability. But Whenever Tshiamo is introduced to new people, she shines brightly. She loves to have people around her. A great burden fell from her parents' hearts when Tshiamo came to us at Känguru Children's Hospice. They were not sure how to give the little one the encouragement and education she needed. Her family comes to visit her regularly, which is always a happy experience for Tshiamo.

Mlondi is a very happy young man. On his birthday a very long time ago, he was abandoned in the hospital and never got to experience what it is like to feel love from a parent. He was born with cerebral palsy and a mild intellectual disability. A social worker finally brought him to us at Känguru Children's Hospice. When he came to us, he was still a very sad and lonely child. But as time went by, Mlondi blossomed visibly in our care. He has become a happy and social young man who knows everyone at Känguru by name.

Tshireletso is a sunshine. He came to us in 2015 when he was only three years old. He has a loving family who brings him home every weekend. He is a happy child despite his dyskinetic cerebral palsy. The uncontrollable twitches limit his movements and abilities so much that he can only grasp and hold something with the utmost concentration. He tires quickly and sometimes becomes angry and stubborn. Chireletso knows exactly what he likes and what he wants.

Founder Team

Marcus Sommer, Sam Boshielo & Wolfgang Groh


In honour of our founders and initiators Wolfgang Groh, Marcus Sommer and Sam Boshielo, we named the central living and therapy center where our children live after them - and we are very proud of it. On the left is Marcus Sommer, the architect, in the middle Sam Boshielo, our home manager, and on the right Wolfgang Groh, the initiator of the children's home and chairman of the board of the IFB Foundation, i.e. the "mother house" of Känguru. Together they founded Kanguru Institute for the Disabled NPC in 2007 in South Africa. Marcus Sommer produced the building plans for today's children's home. Sam Boshielo's contacts and networks were indispensable during the founding phase on site and Wolfgang Groh supported through donations as well as important contacts in Germany and South Africa. Together, the three of them have achieved great things and given our children a new home. We would like to thank them very much for this extraordinary commitment!


Our employees are a very important part of our Känguru family. Without them we would never be able to do and achieve so much good.

Phindile Msibi,

Phindi is the Manager of Känguru Children's Home. She is a professional registered nurse with more than 8 years experience working in a public health sector, but recently got exposure to private sector before joining our team. She also have a diploma in nursing science community midwifery and psychiatry and is awaiting graduation for bachelor of arts in education and management administration. Phindi joined Känguru April 2023 and she enjoys working with children and believes in being an advocate for them.

Adele Modoo,
Pedagogic leader

Adele Modoo is the Pedagogic Leader of Känguru Children's Home. She has been part of the Känguru team since 2009. She holds a bachelor's degree in education. She specialized in special education for children with autism. Adele's desire has always been to make a difference in this world. Nurturing the development of each and every child entrusted to her care is near and dear to Adele's heart. Adele is a very compassionate person. She has made it her mission to help others. That's exactly what she does at Känguru day in and day out. "I am convinced that the quality of nurturing and care a person receives in their early years is instrumental in helping that person reach their potential. All children - whether with or without disabilities - should have equal opportunities to learn, play and grow up," says the head of Känguru.

Veronica Ntsepe,

When Veronica came to Känguru, she was told that she would not get through working with children with disabilities. The work was too intimidating, she said. Consciously, Veronica chose to work at Children's Home anyway, because helping others has been her passion for as long as she can remember. She has always been a woman who is especially loving and selfless, so she doesn't want to let that stop her from making others happy with her kind. Making a difference in the lives of children who depend on the help of others fulfills Veronica day after day.

Sam Boshielo,

Sam Boshielo (Director of our children's home), a man who could not be more warm and dedicated. He retired in 2022 after 47 professional years of service to inclusion. Because of him, so many children who would otherwise have had no chance have found a loving home and family. When Wolfgang Groh and Sam Boshielo met in South Africa in 1995, Sam was a special education teacher at the neighboring school for the blind. He was also chairman of the Committee with Multiple Disabilities and served on the Deafblind International Executive Committee for several years. Sam Boshielo and Wolfgang Groh jointly developed the "GrohSommBoshCenter" - the heart of Känguru Children's Home. He earned his degree in special education in both the United States and South Africa. His love for children with severe multiple disabilities including deaf-blindness or life-shortening illnesses is endless. He set his sights on improving their quality of life: and an original dream became a reality.

Ntombi Shange,
Social Worker

Ntombi is a qualified and experienced social worker registered with SACSSP (South African Council for Social Service Professions). Her area of expertise spans across adoption, working with children in need of care and protection as well as rendering variety of children client profiles from various backgrounds. Working in a child protection and specializing in adoption has provided her with a unique set of skills due to limited resources available, as well as the variety different cultures that she has worked with. The strengths Ntombi brigs to Kanguru lie in her ability to interpret policies and legislation pertaining social impact assessment practices which we will greatly benefit from.


Are you enthusiastic about the work at Känguru? You would like to get socially involved? Maybe you would be just right as a volunteer with us! Let our experience reports inspire you and maybe you will soon decide to become a part of our Känguru family!


"There are not the right words to describe how wonderful and special the time at Känguru Children's Home has been for me. I had never been to Africa before. So there I was - full of excitement for the coming week. A week that would hold many new impressions and experiences in store for me. After moving into the guest room, I could hardly wait to get to know the kids and to master their everyday life with them. I was allowed to lend a hand right away. I helped to serve the food to the children.

Flo und Nina

The first thing that comes to our mind when we think of our volunteer time are the many small moments of happiness that we could experience with the children. Playing together, happy children's laughter, enthusiastic eyes when we went to the playground or Flo unpacked his musical instrument (handpan), successes and feedback from children who otherwise seem rather introverted, and many other experiences. It was a very special time.

Merle und Sophie

After the long Covid time, we were the first volunteers at Känguru, so everything had to settle in first. However, any uncertainties were quickly dispelled through openness and communication. You are immersed in a different world and have to get used to it. The clocks in the home and in South Africa tick differently. There is rarely a hectic pace here, and as a volunteer you have enough time to spend intensively with the children. There is only hustle and bustle when everyone is hungry at the same time.


Did you like the experience reports? Then volunteer with us. You can find all the information you need on the following page under "What I need to know about volunteering".


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